My First Sermon
It was way cool, except for the fact that I'm feeling half drowsy throughout the program because of my throat infection.
I preached about the backsliding of the people of Israel from Jer 2 and about how they have forsaken the Lord their living water. Then I linked it to Jesus coming to the Samaritan woman and presenting Himself as the true living water once again. The consistency of God's heart in both the Old and the New testament. The Lord just wants us to enjoy Him as we first did when we first encountered Him.
I wanted to reveal the conditions of the people's hearts and in the end point them back to the heart of the Father. But I guess, I was going on and on and on... and it got a bit draggy...
So, the general feedback about the sermon was that it was too long...
Yet, I firmly believed in what I have preached tonight. Though I had to agree with John that the word lacked the unction or the authority of God. Then, I realised what was missing.
When I got home tonight, I downloaded a Chinese worship song that my dear sister, Pei Ling sent me. It's called Zhe Yi Sheng Zui Mei De Zhu Fu Jiu Shi Neng Gou Ren Shi Zhu Ye Shu. When the song was played, I just felt the love of God wash over me... and I remembered how it felt to love Him so simply again...
As I listened to it, the soft voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to me...
I missed the point because I had missed His presence.
I then remembered that while preparing for the word, He had prompted me to just spend that intimate time with him. I felt His invitation, but was too afraid to draw near.
I was afraid to draw near because...
my heart had become too complicated...
I had forgotten how to be simple before Him... like I used to be...
and I know, that's the amnesia of my heart that I've been trying to recover from for a really long time and I'm not even sure when it started... :)