Kred's World

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Psalm 101

The very onset of this psalm, establishes the theme of the psalm.

The psalmist sings of mercy and justice, 2 vital characters of God; and finally praise to the Lord which depicts faith.

v2-5 speaks of how the psalmist pledges to walk blameless before the Lord.

something that caught my eye in v2, which says, "... Oh when will You come to me?" this is right smack in the middle of 2 verses where the psalmist talked about walking blameless even within his house.

The psalmist's integrity is not a show before men, it was a call to walk right even when no one is watching (in his house) patiently waiting for the God whom He knows sees all things and judges all things, the thoughts and intent of a man.

With which he goes on to name the practical steps he'll take to walk blameless before the Lord (v3-4).

1) keeping his eyes away from things that will cause him to sin
2) staying away from deeds of wickedness
3) making sure his heart holds no perverse intent
4) being innocent of what is evil so he can be pure to do what is good

in v5, the psalmist outlines the values which he will cut off from around him; those who slanders (watching his tongue) and those who are proud (confident in their own eyes).

v6-7 shows the psalmist's intent to surround himself with a community of people who are righteous and seeks after the Lord and to cut away those who practice wickedness

Finally in v8, he declares how he will nib the roots of wickedness in the bud by saying "Early, I will destroy all the wicked of the land" so that bad values will not take root in his heart, his household and his land before it's too late.

I was actually looking for this psalm to meditate upon last week. I thought it was in the earlier psalms (20-30) but I wasn't able to find it. Then I prayed to the Lord to reveal this psalm to me and viola! It's actually Psalm 101, a psalm we were to read this week!

In the spirit of the psalm, I am greatly encouraged and strengthened by the psalmist's ruthless departure from sin and wickedness, not willing to even leave room for sin to have a foothold in his life.

Some questions I'd like us to ask ourselves this week:

1) Are we keeping our hearts on fire for the Lord by keeping an eye on what we watch on TV and the Internet? Or are we allowing the values of the world to permeate our lives?

2) Do we watch what we say to others?

3) Have we been confident in the works of our own hands or in the works of the Lord in our lives?

4) Have we been accountable to one another on how we lived our lives? Or are we living in isolation?

5) Have we been ruthless to cut off wrong values quickly and early before they take root in our hearts?


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