Kred's World

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Beware of the Elder Brother syndrome

Wow, I just realised that it's been a month since I last blogged.

The truth is, I was up to my neck with the amount of things I had to do. I will put up a photo blog of went on in the last month soon.

However, I felt compelled to write about something that's been on my heart recently.

I want to share from 2 scriptures.

The Elder Brother: we all know about the elder brother who was angry with the father for celebrating his younger brother's return as he felt unjust for all those years of serving which was unappreciated by his father. However, the father had this to say to him.

"Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours."

We know that though the elder son was always with the father, he was emotionally distant from him. But it was more than that. The elder son felt unappreciated by his father for all his efforts in keeping the house in order for his father. Yet all the father cared about was his other ungrateful son??

It was this passage that caught my eye. I realised that the elder brother had done everything well for his father, but in the end, he had missed the point, a relationship and intimacy with the father. The elder brother kept to his service religiously, thinking that by his works, he would greatly please his father. But it turned out that, what really pleased the father is that he would spend time with him, to tell him his needs and ask for them.

Another example that precedes this scripture also tells of a similar story.

It's in Luke 10:38-42

It's the story of Martha and Mary.

It's the same thing! Martha had thought that her service would put her in higher standing compared to her sister Mary, so she asked Jesus to get her sister Mary on her feet to help her. Martha also missed the point. She thought that her significance is based on her service but in the end, Jesus chided her and led her to the real point.

"But one thing is needed, and Mary had chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her"

A relationship.

I chose to speak on this because I fall into the same category as Martha many times. Often times, I would subconsciously put my responsibility in spending time with God more important than my relationship with Him. It makes doing QT like a chore. It becomes dry and regimental. I would impose certain rules into my life, thinking that it would please God most, but most of the time, it leaves me feeling dry and unhappy. And worse still, sometimes, we impose such legalism onto others. "the letter kills but the spirit gives life"

But a relationship is never like that. It is a dialogue with God, which is both honest and transparent. This is how we grow to know Him better, and to be more intimate with Him.

I'm now learning to be more honest with Him, about how I feel and to give grace for my shortcomings and weaknesses.

I'm also learning to put my significance not in my work and accomplishments but rather in my relationship with Him.



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