Kred's World

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

James' Wedding Pixes - the Bachelor's Party Expose

These pixes were taken last year and I didn't have the liberty to post them until almost a year after the event. It's similar to federal files in the archives having to wait 30 years before they can be exposed for public viewing and scrutiny so these pixes had to wait almost a year before they could see the light of Internet screens everywhere on the face of this earth.

Warning: looking at these pixes can xause serious permanent head damage due to severe disillusionment of eve of wedding parties.

The alleged persons in the pixes cannot be named to protect their identities.

Ever wondered what a bachelor's party is all about? Exciting parties at the pub and the disco, getting the bridegroom drunk till he spills all the beans about his ex-firlfriends and future wife? How after a night of booze, the brothers will send him into a room full of beautiful bunnies before his life of mono-celibacy starts?

well... "WRONG"

as strong Christian brudders, we have a duty to keep watch over our beloved Groom to keep him sane before he is enslaved the one woman that he proclaims his love to.... and to keep him from turning back from his decision, we have guard duty to keep him behind locked room.

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the bridegroom's "brothers" doing guard duty at the groom's place.

"Can't you even keep watch with me for an hour?" - Jesus

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guards entertaining themselves with a game of Xbox or 2. S.O.P. at every bachelor's party lest the guards fall asleep and the Groom escapes!!

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The Guard Dog.

Nice butt.

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The Guard Dog, all ready to pounce.

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Guard Dog sniffing for traces of the Groom

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He hears a sound.

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nothing... all is well... and safe... in the eyes of the...

Guard Dog...

Music plays.. credit ends...

watch out for the next entry of...


a new reality show brought to you by Aaron Chow Production

for every brother who falls asleep, he will be kicked out of the game and dragged out by the Guard Dog.

Winner stands to win the Groom's Ang Pows.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Spook Show Pixes

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The 2 girlie ghosts playing with the Sweeper Ghost and hanging their little dollie by a hangman's thread. Gruesome.

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The Sweeper Ghost. Pretty good expression really...

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The Bell Boy, tied in a straitjacket. Probably killed someone for not giving him tips. Now boys and girls, remember to tip the waiter well next time :)

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I've no idea what happened to her, seriously. Maybe a facial gone wrong. Laser surgery perhaps? They were supposed to operate on her eyes I supposed but the Doc had a bit too much to drink that day; upped the power of the laser a wee bit too much and lost control of the beam... *slash! :P

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The Grim Reaper. :) one of the brothers, at least.

And... this was what I was supposed to look like, but they did a 360 change to the whole monster look. Think of these pics as the prototype design of the monster look or the HIGH LEVEL ARC DEMON... bleah...

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Front View - dental warning: result of not brushing your teeth for decades.

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Side View - from the side, I look a bit like a dog...

yup, well there you have it, my experience at the Spook Show shown in pics. :)

JR Network Mural - incomplete

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For those of us who were involved in the painting of the Jeff and achel Network's Mural, and thos who have no idea what the mural looked like, here's the draft pic or should I say, design concept of the mural we had in mind.

When I drew this in my mind, I had the original vision of a Renaissance painting of the French Revolution in my mind. Everyone is reaching for this flag that had these words "1 Thing, 1 Journey, 1 Legacy" written on it, with Jeff holding the flag (marked by the Letter 'J' on the right most figure's head) It 's a direct or literal representation of the verse found in Ps 27 which says, "One thing have I desired, to dwell in the temple of the Lord, to behold His glory"

The rest of the figures were supposed to be Jeff and Rachel's 12, but it didn't turn out to be cos we were a little short on time. We did take the photos of their 12 but before we could print and paste them onto the mural, the dateline was up and the mural was elegantly wasted (to borrow a term from INXS' song title) at some dark corner of God knows where right now...

Well, that's the story of the incomplete mural. Maybe one day, when someone has dug out the mural, buried in some obscure part of the island, and piece them together with the mural design concept found on this blog (long after I'm dead of course), they'd decide to complete a dead man's wish of having his vision fulfilled. :)

and there I'll be happily floating with my little wings in heaven, enjoying the sight of tiny little people working their butts off to finish up something that I can't even rem for what reason I started...

who knows, it may become a national treasure. Maybe there's a secret in the number of leaves found on the mural that will lead to the parliament house where if you dig at the right spot (based on the number of tiles to the left or right of the walls as interpreted by the angles of the arms of the figures combined and multiplied by the number of letters on the 2 slogans) you will find a treasure... :P (ah.. I can just see Dan Brown squirming in his grave when that day comes)

I'm Back!

Already, following a lapse of more than a month in writing an entry on my blog, I'd like to apologise to those who were eagerly awaiting new entries on my blog.

Well, a few things happened while I was away and NOT blogging.

1) there was the G12 conference
2) me adjusting to life AFTER G12 conference
3) "piah-ing" my freelance project
4) my time was sucked up watching Bleach (all thanks to Zhi Yang who intro it to me!! &$%@#!!)
5) Preparing for the Good Friday Games Day at West Coast Park (if you ask Basia, a few of our weekends were burned doing this. tsk tsk... but it was all for a good cause)
6) I was abducted by aliens who told me that excessive ice-cream can make a man pregnant (BAH! ice-cream can't do that! lollipops... now that's a different story...)

Well, I've discovered a way to transfer photos I've taken from my Handphone intot he computer at a faster rate. This explains for all those times when I wanted to post pixes but never got to do them. First, I had a lot of trouble transferring them to my PC, then I hated the hassle of having to upload them to photobucket, the hosting site before posting them up as entries.

Now with the first step cut short, I'm going to be posting up many many pixes unto my next few entries. Some of them come from the dino ages. watch out for them. :)
