Kred's World

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Getting used to 9 to 6

Alright, for those of you who are not in the loop...

I've started working liao!!

Well, like my title says, I'm still getting used to awking up so early in the morning and then plowing through the whole day...

But surprisingly, I actually am able to wake up! wa... this after 8 months of waking up at 9am... or... later... ahem...

anyway, I'm actually quite happy that I'm working... cos it gives me something to do... besides showing my sleepy face to Jesus every day when I wake up :) I generally do feel much more fulfilled than when I'm just at home even though it's just an admin job...

It seriously is ADMIN... A.D.M.I.N. to the max...!!

The job requires me to take care of the air travel and accomodation of speakers for a conference held in end Nov.

I still have no idea why the Lord gave me this job... "why...??? why...???"

"you need money mah.."


anyway, the miraculous thing about this job is that I know the LOrd gave it to me, cos one day, I was doing QT and I just surrendered my finances to the Lord... and I mean JUST... my HP rang and I received an sms from Jeanie, CY's gf that there's a vacancy for a temp job for me...

I was quite happy at first... until I hear that it's an A.D.M.I.N. job...

You must understand that it's not because I think lowly of admin positions... it's because I'm someone with very low COMPLIANCE (read low C) trait... which means.. I'm naturally not very detailed... and meticulous... I'm a big picture person... I don't micro-manage things... leave it to the bugs... (oops... kidding...)

so, when I got the job offer, I'm supremely surprised...

went for the interview, the guy (my current boss) told me I may not get the job... but I was already thinking to myself... "it's not whether you want to give the job to me lor! I already know God has given me the job lor! It's a matter of whether I want to do it or not.........!

.... LOR!"

not pride... it's confidence in the Lord...

sure enough on the day of the interview, I received an email saying I got the job...

I was struggling to take it up... but I rem that it's a job that's given to me by Him... so I decided... "yeah, why not? It doesn't hurt to get some cash to tide me over... even though it's an admin job..."

Maybe it's God's way to telling me and confirming me that I really do suck at admin and thereby swear to myself that I will not do admin EVER again... :) thank You Lord! :)

blah blah blah...

never happen one la... God always got reason one...

I did tell Him that I need a lot of His grace and mercy and anointing to do this job, since it's so detailed... I pray and pray that I will be excellent in this job, even though it's a temp job... :)

so, I'll just wait and see what's in stall for this job...

But like I said, I'm just glad that I have something to do, even though it's A.D.M.I.N. :)


  • At 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    good lah, your job. :) can meet me for lunch mah. hahaha!

    *evil grin*

    ~the bug who works in the building opp your workplace


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