Kred's World

Friday, October 19, 2007

Matsu Takako, Valen Hsu or Pikachu?? It's your Vote!!

I've got a cell member with a thousand faces.

Ok, not thousand, make that 3.

I'd let you decide who she really looks like :)

At first glance, I thought she looked like Matsu Takako, a Japanese actress famous in the late 90s for acting in Romantic Comedies.

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then many ppl among the Young Adults, say she looked more like Valen Tsu, the Taiwanese Singer.

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But recently, we discovered an uncanny resemblance of her to a famous cartoon character!

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scroll down to reveal the answer...

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Janimon!!! :P

"Jani Jani..."

*oops... please don't kill me Janice... :P

Jehovah Jireh

By the way, the Lord reminded me on how I had taken a BK Lucky Draw card with a Subaru on it and prayed that I could have a car so I could do ministry with it and send ppl around. That was last year, and guess what? Viola! I'm driving one now...

and how I had actually planned to get a desktop Mac so I can do more advanced video editing with it, and viola! someone just gave it to me for a token sum, something which could cost me thousands of dollars!

There're just too many testimonies to share about how He had provided... but I'm just amazed at how real He is in my life.

I am really excited. I told my friend that I can't wait to draw up a list of things I need and pray and ask Him for it. I can't wait to see how every one of those wishes be fulfilled in his most amazing ways. Cos it's so real... to see Him provide for me.


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*too bad, it's not a WRX... like the pix showed... :P

yeah.. I still kept the card. It's a proof of his faithfulness and provision in my life :)

Walk on Water

There is a dream that the Lord wants me to fulfill.

And to fulfill it, I must learn to shift my trust from the idols of gold and silver in this world, to the God of fire and water of the age to come.

As many of you know that I am doing freelance videography right now, coupled with relief teaching as a side line. It's just a part of life where you need to do some stuff just to feed youself.

The Lord is bringing me through a journey of believing and trusting in Him wholly, and not in the works of my hands.

I have been tempted many times to go back into full time employment, but more than once, the Lord has not given me peace in my spirit to do so.

He had spoken to me to move out and trust Him in His provision. I may not be at liberty to share what He is calling me to do for now, as I feel I am not ready to disclose what the Lord is working in my heart and what to share. Close friends of mine would know probably a glimpse of where I'm headed. Sometimes, I'm not too sure myself, given my current state of affairs.

Just like Joseph, who knows the destiny the Lord has intended for him, but kept from understanding due to the circumstances that surrounds him, I too, find myself in the same situation. I know the end, but I do not see it now.

I do not draw a monthly pay but the Lord has never failed to provide as my close friends can attest to that. Whenever my bank account is dwindling, He would always show up with some lobang to tide me through.

But in these past few months, my paradigm has begun to shift. The Lord has slowly stripped away my dependence and security in having a monthly salary. He knew that had been my security. He knew that I trusted more in the hands of a human paymaster than on Him, the divine Paymaster.

He tells me, "Son, you do not need a monthly salary. Do my work and I will feed you."

How profound.

Now, whenever I look at my friends who are being paid monthly and hear their grumblings about the monotoneity of their jobs and how it's sucking the life out of them cos it's not what they really want to do, but they had to do it anyway to feed themselves, I understand the wisdom of the Lord.

That man shall not leave by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying ppl shouldn't draw a monthly salary, I'm just saying are you recognising the Lord as your paymaster, more than your boss and your company? Are you working at your place because you heard His call for you to be there? Or are you simply working to feed yourself, cos it's what everybody in Singapore does?