Kred's World

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

From Dusk Till Dawn

Just a little update on what's going on in my life.

Some of you may know I went for a one week break last week.

"Wow! Shiok!"

Well, I thought I was gonna enjoy myself too.

But it turned out that I ended up more tired than before I went for my break.

I was struggling internally over the prospect of my job, and the frustrations felt over what I was doing versus what I really wanted to do.

Basically, throughout the whole week, I was wrestling with the Lord. I mean, if you asked what I accomplished the whole of last week, or in terms of what I've done, I'd say, I don't recall doing anything constructive throughout the week! Pretty intense huh?

All I remember was me spending a lot of time moping before the Lord.

I'm writing this down because I want to console myself that my last week was not wasted just because I didn't do anything. I'm writing this down cos I just realised that I was going through my Penniel Experience with the Lord.

It left me drained, and it left me exhausted physically, spiritually and mentally to a certain extent.

I started on the Friday before. I had gotten so fed up with doing admin that I get pissed each time I looked at the people I had to call and the events I had to coordinate. I knew it was the first sign of burning out.

So I prayed a little and the Lord came and reminded me that I had gone on my own strength instead of coming to Him and relying on Him.

Well, to cut the long story short, I immediately sent a message to my boss telling him that I needed to go for a 1 week break. Knew that was the last straw. :) I'd better check myself in before it all blows up.

Like I said, I took the whole week to try to get away from it all, but I ended up having to deal with the emotions that were erupting from my heart instead. It took me a long while to settle down and lay it before the Lord. But one thing I was realy thankful of, was that throughout the week, the Lord was only concerned about how I felt, and not instructing me on what to do, where to go next. I knew, He knew that that was not what I needed then. It really took me a while to simmer down and to let the emotions flow out...

It reminded me of Moses and how he was so fed up with the complaints of the Israelites that instead of just knocking the rock 1 time, he struck it twice which resulted in him being barred from the Promised Land. Isn't it kind of like us sometimes when we get angry, we tend to vent our frustrations on God and blame Him for all our misfortunes? Haha... I rememebered I was so pissed that I told the Lord to not even try to convince me to stay in this job!

I came before the Lord and by and by He revealed to me His heart. He revealed His love to me and during a conversation I had with a dear sister, I realised that He was asking me what I really want to do. I realised that He wanted to give me the right to make my own decisions so that I will pursue what is in the desires of my heart. That blew my mind because I've always been taught to go wherever the Lord wants me to go and there's no questions about it, but then I realised that if it were so all the time, then we would be nothing more than robots.

Scriptures like,"Delight in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart." and "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, and knock and it shall be opened onto you." made more sense to me.

Most times, I hesitated on making decisions, because I was afraid that I would make them based on the impulse of my heart or I'd make a decision that would derail me from His will. But that night on MSN with my dear sister, when I heard the Spirit of the Lord telling me that He had given me the right to make my own decisions, I know I have His assurance that whatever decision that I make, He will bless, because it is according to the desires of my heart which He had placed within me.

It feels so free! It feels so liberating! And I felt it, the words that Miki prayed for me the Sat before that I do not need to ask Him for permission from Him, just go and do what is in my heart! It suddenly resonates louder than I first heard it!

So, right now, I feel like I'm standing at the crossroads of my life, looking at the great beyond, getting ready for my next big adventure. It's exciting, and yet, a little scary at the same time, like what if I make the wrong decisions, what if it doesn't work out? Will He be there when I make those decisions?

But then that's the beginning of the next journey, faith and trust in a God who allows me to make my own decisions over my life in His sovereignty and allowing Him to continually deal with me so He can refine the process. Something that's very new to me. :)

And I think this is the greatest lesson that I took out of my Penniel Experience with Him the last week, that true liberty in Christ is knowing who my God is, and He is a God who wants me to live freely in Him and fulfill the desires of my heart.

Right now, my heart is going something like,"Really? You mean if I want to do something badly, God will let me do it? If I want to fulfill some deep desire in my heart, He will let me go do it? Wow! Cool..."

And His answer is, "Yes."

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The one that got away

ok, remember my neighbour's cat that got away?

Here's a picture of it which I took one night I was coming home.

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I could have sworn it was sleeping like a dead log when I saw it. I even took pains to tip toe to one side, take out my camera phone, adjusted all the settings before I tip toed back to him.

It was then it awoke, gave me that dirty look and viola! there you have it, the picture above.

I swear that cat could smell me a mile away...


Thursday, June 16, 2005

A song that will never be...

Alright, I'm throwing in another song today.

This is a new number we've been working on for the past few sessions.

It's entitled Grave. Don't ask. It's supposed to be a sad song but after Ben and Dylan heard it, they decided that it had such a cheery tune, they felt the lyrics should be scrapped for a happier note.

"IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A SAD AND DEPRESSIVE SONG!!!" - me stating my case to the guys...

Daniel our new bassist was clapping his hands to the tune in a happy, chimpanzee-like manner. Welcome to the ape club, where the unevolved still roams...

So, after I post these lyrics up here, you'll never ever see it again... unless of course, if I get my way... ehhehehe....

Well, here it is GRAVE.

You... 've never been so down...
You... 've never been so out...
You... 've never been sold out...
Slipping away... walking away... fading away...


I've put a grave on your name
To be sure that you're dead
Made a promise to forsake you forever...
But in the end you will see
That I'm not what I should be
When you made up your mind to forget me...

and it just repeats itself...

Like it? sorry, B.C. lyrics. Wrote it before I was a Christian when I was smitten and bitten by this girl that I really liked last time.

Hahahaha... how did it end up sounding like a happy song with such sad lyrics?

The Holy Spirit must have had a hand in it. :) He has redeemed and healed me!! woo hoo! :)

ok, so poll vote.

"Who says I should change the lyrics?"

Write in and let me know.


Alright, welcome to JJ's little song corner again. :)

Hi Kids...!! JJ Gor Gor is here to teach you one of my little songs... Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh-huh-huh... (said in Barney voice)

Well, our little band is going through a little rehash here but we're practising and exploring and experimenting with our originals real hard like... once a week... *ahem... so we can do a recording by the end of the year. Sorry, don't expect your friendly neighbourhood, radio bubblegum pop songs from the album. Some of the stuff inside is gonna be real alternative so do exercise discretion while listening to them. We do have some live sessions going on where we use Ben's trusty mp3 players to record them. Will post it up on our band website once I have them. Right now, the band website is still pretty bare so it'll be useless if I post the URL here. :)

but anyway, since I won't be posting up anything so soon, I thought I'd just post the lyrics here as a form of poetry expression. After all, songs are poetry that has a melody added to them.

So here's a song entitled,


How many lives can we live?
How many hearts can we give?
How many sunrise You'll greet me each day?
How many sunsets we'll see?

I need you here in my life
I never wanted to fight
I wish that I could just throw it all down
and find myself in your arms


It is love... that has called me to you every day...
It is love... and I know that you want me to stay

We'll take walk by the sea
I'll tell you all my heart needs
I'm waiting for you to sweep me away
In twilight's gentle embrace

So now I'm down on my knees
Here with you how my heart bleeds
Like rain from heaven to fill me again
Enrapture me with your kiss


It is love... that has called me to you every day...
It is love... and I know that you want me to stay...


I was meant to... I was meant to... be with You...
I was meant to... I was meant to... be with You...

Well, I wanted the song to talk about the emptiness we all feel from time to time and how this emptiness can only be filled by ONE person. :)

It's a longing we have every day I guess, that's why it's entitled thus...

A longing to be loved, a longing for a better day, a longing for that special moment, a time when all things will be right and beautiful. Don't we all feel it from time to time?

And it's not really a fleshly dissatisfaction or discontentment brough about by greed. It's that feeling you know that somehow, life is better than all these. It's a desire, and a longing for that something better and perfect. It's God's love. :)

this is to all my friends out there, whether you know Him or don't know Him.

I pray you'll find a deeper intimacy with Him each day of your life. :) and be utterly satisfied and contented in His presence. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Star Wars

Yeah, I took the quiz to find out what Star Wars character I am and guess what...

Take the quiz: "What Star Wars Character Are You?"

Darth Vader
Your anger at the world has made you become one of the most feared beings in the galaxy.

woo hoo! I knew I was a mean bad ass! :P

think I need some anger management counselling... hmm....

Closet Director

I told myself, I'd sleep early tonight...

I told myself I'd sleep early tonight...

*deng* wrong answer...

It should read, "I thought I told myelf I'd sleep early tonight...."

Well, I should have really, but it's already two in the morning and I'm still half awake! And I'm still thinking about catching a little conversation with Him... man... time is slipping through my fingers like fine sand...

But anyway, the reason why I was held up was cos I was on the phone with my buddy Chao Yang...

er... yeah..

but that ended at 1230am I think...

then I caught an interview on TVBi with Wong Kar Wai. You know, Chung King Express, Ah Fei's Story, In the Mood for Love and finally, if you still don't get who he is, 2046.

So, I was watching it and I thought hey, here's an insight to how a director thinks... hmmm... interesting...

and I found out that he really isn't the ARTAS director everyone thought him to be. He's actually quite pracitcal and real, just anyone going through life, making a living out of what he does best... he's actually quite ordinary, really... which was quite contrary to what I thought he'd be... slow, deliberate in his answers blah, blah, blah... you know, the usual arty farty kinda person... poser kind... :P

but he just blabbered on about how he made it from a tv script writer to a tv director, before making it as a movie director; and how his audience boo-ed in the cinema at his very first art film...

Coincidentally, it's the second time I saw an interview with a director this week... and it's amidst a really draining and frustrating week of scheduling and coordinating... AGAIN...

I saw the first interview of another Chinese director who funded and made his own art films and gained international recognition. Can't remember his name now, but I do remember the feeling when I saw the interview...

My heart just ached... and i just said to myself, this is what I wanna do... all my life... to make movies... or rather, to tell stories...

Then on Friday, as I was spending time with the Lord, I just heard Him telling me, "just go and do what you really wanna do."

and 3 weeks before while on a short retreat at Mun;s place, He said something similar, "why are you limiting yourself?"

and then on Sat, during the service, about purpose in life, Miki came to pray for me and said this: (to paraphrase)

"the Lord wants you to fly like a bird. He did not a portion a part of the sky for you to fly in. He gives you the whole sky to go fly in. He wants me to tell you that you do not need to ask Him for permission to do things. He wants you to go do it."

I just wept when I heard those words... very healing... :) thanks! miki!

Hmm... and I'm reminded of the parable of the talents... the servant who hid his talents actually thought he was doing his master a favour, but was called a wicked servant instead... oops...

O GOD, is this a sign...??

I think it's pretty obvious isn't it...?

Hmmm.... hehehe...

time to make my little stick men movies... hmm.... hehehehe.... and gather all my toys that I've collected over the years and start assigning them roles... hehehe...

knew that barbie doll would come in handy some day...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Of kittens and guitar gods

Just bought a new camera phone and I've been fiddling with it...
Here's some pixes I took.

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Just a little something to fulfill my fantasy of being a guitar god... :P expressed through my little stikfas figure...

the resolution's pretty sucky though... then again... I may be expecting too much from a camera phone...

Oh, and I caught this while I was going to work this morning... it was a stray cat sleeping at a void deck...

I actually almost had another shot at my neighbour's cat, but while I was edging closer to take a shot of him, he woke and glared at me before leaping away... shucks! that was a cuter pose... but well...

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... it looked like it just died in it's sleep...


Monday, June 06, 2005

Band Logo

Was searching the Net for a band logo. Thought this would be really appropriate as our new band logo.

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well, well... who would have thought...


Band Name

Since our recent restructuring of our band, due to differing band vision and spiritual direction of band members, we were deciding on giving ourselves a new name, a kind of rebirth and a coming of age from the old.

Hung out with Dylan today and we were running through some ideas of a new band name. So here are some ideas we came up with.

Top 10 Band Names beginning with no. 4

4) Rotten Thoughts - a derivative of the name "Fresh Ideas" which was the name for the fresh fruits and vegetables section, which flashed across my eyes while we were at Cold Storage getting our drinks...

3) Lion Juice - after I caught a crate of Tiger Beer stacked beside a shelf of drinks

2) Stubble Daddy - derived from Beard Papa's cream puffs sign which we saw... Dylan said it sounded like a pimp's name. I thought it sounded like some hip hop group or somewhat similar to a certain rap artist's name...

By now, we were getting pretty close to our ultimate choice of name.

But nothing beats what comes up next....

**Drum roll.... **

and the winner goes to...

1) Shaved Mummy! - which is a derivative of Stubble Daddy.

I think this name totally catches the essence of our band. I mean, who wouldn't want to see a Shaved Mummy! Or should I say, who WOULD want to see an UNSHAVED MUMMY!

No qualms about it, this IS the winner...

Henceforth, our band shall be called SHAVED MUMMY. And our band logo will be that of a mummy's leg that's shaved. In high heels, of course.

Go figure.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Down Time

Just got back from Chee Mun's place after his supposed birthday surprise...

Wasn't much of a surprise actually cos, before the task force went in, one of our members had already invited himself in before the whole operation even started... which kinda exposed everything from the start... sheesh...

the failure to plan... AND inform all parties involved...

then again, we weren't sure if he was gonna be involved in the first place... hahaha... due to his prior engagement... hahaha...

It's been a whirlwind of a time... I checked my organiser just the other day and realised most of my weekends had been taken up since... I think 2 weeks before the G12 conference...

That's like a really, really long time ago... and almost in a galaxy far far away...

Man, this is crazy, I gotta stop living like this for a while... I know I'm supposed to have the DNA of my senior pastor, but I don think I should jump right into that yet... :P and besides, I'm not my senior pastor...

So, I told the guys that I'd like to turn in early cos I really need the rest. AND the peace and quiet from all the constant socialising that I've been doing... Oh spare me God... not that they're not good company, just that my nose felt stuffed up... my eyes felt puffy and then I suddenly realise that I need less ccompany for a while... too many engagements with too many people at one shot kills my inner man (read: intra-personal time)

but I did have fun playing FIFA 2005... or was it Winning Eleven? Bah! I'm not a Sports Game fan... can't tell the difference... in fact, I've come to accept that all sports games can never be like the real thing and I've put them off from my list of games to buy ever since I was 14. And it's like, once you've played a sports game, you've played them all... Hahaha... but then again, it's one those things that's good for male bonding... so what the heck! Sports Games still have their uses after all... at least in my world...

Well, have you ever wanted just some time to yourself and away from the known world? You wish you could be cooped up somewhere in some little island somewhere, much like the one you see in Jurassic Park and indulge in your self for a while...

This is definitely one of those times for me right now... wish I could just shut out from the world for a while... especially the people... gosh I need my time with Jesus... sniff...

Need some downtime. To do my little stuff... and live in wonderland for a while...

Chill... :)