Kred's World

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


recently I have this feeling that I'm not myself.

or should I say, I don even know if I'm myself or has something changed.

yeah, I'll be leaving my job in 3 week's time, but I also promised my little boss to help them revamp the road shows so that it's more suitable for implementation on a less labour and talent intensive basis.

well, I had more than half a mind to turn it down until I got the deal that I can do it on my own time and I don't have to report to the office to get it done.

In effect, I'm like a vendor contracted to help them develop the new product and I have nothing to do with the organisation anymore. WOOT! :) it's called freelancing...

well, at least I can put some of my talents to good use. :)

at this period of my life, my head seem to be swimming... I'm not sure if it's due to the late nights I've been having (which had been a prolonged period of time) or it's just cos I'm so busy I lost track of time and space... and reality...

yeah, I can't seem to think or feel straight these days... always in a state of limbo I'd say...

but I'm coping well... think it's probably just a lack of space to think and reflect and give my heart some space to breathe.

yes, ppl, if you're reading this, pls... pls... take some time off to give yourself a little break, be it shopping, catching a movie, or just simply sitting on your couch at home binging on Korean drama serials, whichever works for you... pls go and relac one corner, alright??

I'm so stuck with so many to-dos that I'm like a speeding bullet train heading towards....... God-knows-where!

the next 2 montths while I'm off my job will be a good time for me to just slow down, and pick up the pieces that I've left behind, dust them off the shelves of my brain and crank up my brain for some soulful processing before moving on to the next phase of my life in which God has called me to...

I've a feeling I'll be preparing for my "OUT of the BOAT experience!" (read Peter walking on water when Christ called him)

it'll also be a time of personal house-cleaning and consolidation as I go through my experience working in the last 4 years with the Lord and asking Him to reveal what are the right values to keep and what are the rubbish ones to delete and send them to the bin.

Right now, I'm just going on status quo, purely by the grace of God, taking little snippets of time to bring my head above the water for a breather. :) wooT!

rock on \m/ :)


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