Kred's World

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

sim chun's BIG DAY

alright, alright, so we've all seen and heard what happened on Sunday after service.

for those of us who are clueless or not there, here's what happened.

we gathered together on sunday after service just to celebrate sim chun's birthday. while we were waiting for joyce to come over, (her girls always late one la... :P wahaha...) we started with a time of thanksgiving for sim chun.

yeo and julius came up and gave thanks for this man who so patiently preached the gospel to them and brought them to Jesus. chao yang shared about how 'proud your father is of you" and when joyce came to share, the Spirit just came and she broke down and poured her out for this brother of ours. at this point in time not many eyes were dry.

the Lord was indeed doing a work of reconiliation in the hearts of both brother and sister since the many "confrontations" they had... haha... where I was often sandwiched in between... ahem... was the Lord good or what?

then it was time for me to give thanks and i just couldn't control my tears at that point of time and those big water droplets came streaming down my cheeks. :)

sim stood up and gave thanks to the Lord for joyce and I and his guys and we just hugged. :)

so here are the pixes la...

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yeah, so we hugged. :) the most funny thing was that I was just sharing with my guys earlier in the afternoon about not being afraid to engage with a guy intimately as brothers like David and Jonathan. think God really has a good sense of humour. now we have a term for it, called "FEELING" haha... thank to Zhi Yang la... he and his "feeling" with his friend... haha...

well, the most amazing part was when sim chun smsed me later while we were going for dinner, we shared that we had the same vision while we hugging.

we saw ourselves in heaven and when I was hugging him, it felt as though i was there with Jesus in heaven welcoming him home and i'm so proud of him.

he shared with me that he saw the same vision too! it was as though he had finished the race and gone back to heaven and i was there to welccome him back to heaven.

wow... i believe that it's going to come to pass. :)

does that mean i'll go back heaven first?


then the other question is: where's the birthday cake ah? burp*


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