Kred's World

Saturday, October 28, 2006

New Season (3) of Battlestar Galactica!!

As you can tell, I'm an avid fan and I can safely say that this is by far the best sci-fi show ever made for television... EVER... beats Start Trek hands down... and whatever other cheesy rubber suited sci-fi dump there is out there... i.e. andromeda...

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It's been a year after the Cylon occupation of the newly established human colony of New Caprica.

Will the humans survive the genocide? And will Admiral Adama's plan to rescue his ppl from the face of the planet succeed?

Will Sharon find her half-Cylon, half-Human baby, Hera and will Lee, lose all the weight he gained while waiting a year for the planetary rescue mission??

Has Kara (Starbucks) gone soft after seeing her own baby Cylon girl and begin to develop feelings for her Cylon captor?

Find out in the ensuing episodes of Battlestar Galactica!


There's a major project going on with my band right now.

We're converting one of my spare rooms into a JAM & RECORDING STUDIO!

Our first equipment has been bought.

We had to transport it by pieces all the way from Jurong to Pasir Ris.

Thanks to Mun's TRUSTY Picanto!!!

Didn't know a picanto can so useful... wahahaha... *poke poke

Well, if you're wondering what it is... here's a pic of it...

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It's a drum set!! :)

but... where's the cymbals?? well, we sorta got conned by the guy who sold it to us... said got stock cymbals then go there, he check receipt, then tell us don have... man...

ok la... God bless him la... think he needs the money... Mun told me he recognised him to be one of the FEI CHANG super band LOSERS... so maybe it's his way of saying that he's bowing out of the music arena... well... alright la... God bless him, may he find peace in his soul after he sells us his drums - minus cymbals.

But you should have seen Mun and Ben carrying the drum set up... Mun was sweating buckets when he came into the room... he was literally dripping like he just came out of the pool... hahaha... once again, thanks to them we are now one step closer to making this a reality :)


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Getting used to 9 to 6

Alright, for those of you who are not in the loop...

I've started working liao!!

Well, like my title says, I'm still getting used to awking up so early in the morning and then plowing through the whole day...

But surprisingly, I actually am able to wake up! wa... this after 8 months of waking up at 9am... or... later... ahem...

anyway, I'm actually quite happy that I'm working... cos it gives me something to do... besides showing my sleepy face to Jesus every day when I wake up :) I generally do feel much more fulfilled than when I'm just at home even though it's just an admin job...

It seriously is ADMIN... A.D.M.I.N. to the max...!!

The job requires me to take care of the air travel and accomodation of speakers for a conference held in end Nov.

I still have no idea why the Lord gave me this job... "why...??? why...???"

"you need money mah.."


anyway, the miraculous thing about this job is that I know the LOrd gave it to me, cos one day, I was doing QT and I just surrendered my finances to the Lord... and I mean JUST... my HP rang and I received an sms from Jeanie, CY's gf that there's a vacancy for a temp job for me...

I was quite happy at first... until I hear that it's an A.D.M.I.N. job...

You must understand that it's not because I think lowly of admin positions... it's because I'm someone with very low COMPLIANCE (read low C) trait... which means.. I'm naturally not very detailed... and meticulous... I'm a big picture person... I don't micro-manage things... leave it to the bugs... (oops... kidding...)

so, when I got the job offer, I'm supremely surprised...

went for the interview, the guy (my current boss) told me I may not get the job... but I was already thinking to myself... "it's not whether you want to give the job to me lor! I already know God has given me the job lor! It's a matter of whether I want to do it or not.........!

.... LOR!"

not pride... it's confidence in the Lord...

sure enough on the day of the interview, I received an email saying I got the job...

I was struggling to take it up... but I rem that it's a job that's given to me by Him... so I decided... "yeah, why not? It doesn't hurt to get some cash to tide me over... even though it's an admin job..."

Maybe it's God's way to telling me and confirming me that I really do suck at admin and thereby swear to myself that I will not do admin EVER again... :) thank You Lord! :)

blah blah blah...

never happen one la... God always got reason one...

I did tell Him that I need a lot of His grace and mercy and anointing to do this job, since it's so detailed... I pray and pray that I will be excellent in this job, even though it's a temp job... :)

so, I'll just wait and see what's in stall for this job...

But like I said, I'm just glad that I have something to do, even though it's A.D.M.I.N. :)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Trees and Fruits

Just spent a wonderful afternoon with my spiritual grandson Shao Bing :)

He asked me if I could help him get some books to read cos he wants to improve his English so I decided to meet up with him and spend some FEELING time as well :)

Had a great time just hearing him share... it's wonderful to see what the Lord is doing in his life... and I'm just so amazed at the hands of the Lord... in touching someone and changing a life...

well, ppl... once you've tasted Jesus, life will never be the same again... (hey, this sounds like some advert...)

I've been pondering recently about how to share my life with my ppl.. about how the Lord brought me through tough times and about all the things that He has revealed to me through these years of walking with Him. I just feel I've got so much I wanna say and share with them... about the goodness of God and how He'll never leave us nor forsake us... how you can be so close to Him if you'd just spend some time to still your heart and let Him fill your heart.

To share my experiences with the Lord so as to encourage them in their difficult moments.

Then I realise that I can't just download everything into them...? hahaha... although I wish I could... cos I know that they'd only be ready to hear only when they reach different stages of their lives... when they hit an obstacle... when they're faced with a difficult situation... or when the Lord puts little miracles in their lives and make known His reality...

yet today, when something clicked in my spirit as I spent that time with my grandson...

I realised that, the only way I can truly share my life with them, is to spend that personal time with them...

you see, on an open cell group platform, as I'm sharing in a large group, it's more like a presentation. It's just info download and the personal exchange is kept to a minimum. As much aas I try to share my life with them, they can only catch so much of the spirit or the essence of what I've gone through, to help them understand that some one's been there and done that, so it's possible for them to also cling and go through it.

and sometimes, what I share is not specific to individuals... there's just so much more ppl, that you can squeeze out of me...

you see, if I had that personal time with Ps Khong, I'm sure there's more about his life that he can share with me, as opposed to what he can share on the pulpit. His rich experiences in ministry and his walk with God is much deeper than what we can see on the surface. You can see that passion to share his life when he preaches on the pulpit, and that's what makes his sermons come alive! Because you know this man has walked through life with the Lord and it gives substance to what he is sharing; that it is not just mere information that you're catching, but the spirit of his heart to love and serve the Lord!

Yet, like I said, the platform for sharing in a group is general and there're some things that I can't share unless I have personal time with my ppl... and I know that there are some things that even if I say it now, they will not understand until they hit that phase.

How when they get heartaches for falling out in a relationship, or didn't do that well in their exams or hit their quarter-life crisis, marriage, children... how they meet a guy they really like, but had to give it all up because they heard from the Lord a 'no', how they have to continue to hang on their faith when the whole world seems to be against them, how they're faced with a decision to uproot and go to another country just because they've heard from the Lord...

It's tough, this fathering business, and I sorta catch a glimpse of it in my spirit... when I look at them, I see the greatest potential in their lives, and my heart wells up with so much conviction to guide them and to lead them, to share with them in one fell swoop what it means to walk with the Lord...

but yet there are times I can't because simply it's not time yet, cos you don't feed beef steak to babies... hahaha... and I simply have to be patient, to watch them take their first steps of faith and always holding this tension and anxiety in my heart, afraid that they'd fall and hurt themselves and always ready, to reach out, should they begin to teeter and wobble, to catch them before they fall. And should they fall, be ready to pick them up, pat the dust off them and encourage them to walk on...

But in the meantime, I'll just continue to wait... and I'll just "sit them on my laps as ol' granpa used to do" and tell them stories about this God who is so real in granpa's life and how granpa was never the same again when he met this God at the burning bush of Mount Horeb...

hoping that in time to come, they'll remember what granpa said and remember to just walk on...

I am reminded of this vision I saw while praying with the adults before the youth cell.

I saw us, the adults as huge trees that grew big fruits. Good fruits. And these are fruits which were borne through our walk with God.

And our job is to just let the children come and eat of these fruits, and take shade under our branches; to eat of the fruits of the goodness of God in our lives which we have first tasted...

and one day, they too, will grow to be big trees and bear good fruits so that others may enjoy their fruits which they have tasted from the Lord...



Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Just Shall Live by Faith

Hi ppl,

I'd like to share a revelation that the Lord has been speaking to me.

I have been meditating upon the Book of Matthew recently and the Lord has been using this time to speak powerfully into my life.

I was reading Chapters 14 to 16 for 3 days and thought of them as individual incidents until the Lord began to show me how they are all linked.

Tips in reading the Bible:

1) when reading the Word of God, if you want to find out what the Lord really wants to say, it's good to look at paragraphs, even chapters before and after the one that you're trying to understand. The whole book is usually written as a whole with parts joined together. So once you understand the parts, you can actually piece them together and know why certain parts seem to be sticking out and how the book flows.

2) Pray before you read the Bible, and ask for the Spirit of the Lord for a revelation!

Chapter 14 (besides the beheading of John the Baptist) tells of how Jesus fed the 5,000 by multiplying th bread and the fish He was given.

This is followed by Jesus walking on water and asking Peter to walk on water to Him.

Right after these miracles, the Pharisees, who were teachers of the Law during the times of Jesus came and confronted Jesus by accusing His disciples of breaking the Law because they did not wash their hands ceremonially before eating their meals. Jesus rebuked them by saying that they too had broken the law themselves when they failed to honour their own father and mother by relinquishing responsibilities over the care of their own parents using the law.

He then explained to His disciples that it is not what you eat that defiles you but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man due to the wickedness of his heart. In this way, Jesus restored His disciples and showed them the truth that the heart matters more than what you eat or drink or even do.

After which Jesus went to the Phoenician woman who is not a Jew and healed her. He then praised her for her great faith, departed from there and came back to Israel at the Sea of Galilee, where He healed a great multitude of people.

It was here, the Lord performed His second feeding of the multitudes which numbered 4,000 this time.

Right after this, the Pharisees came back with the Sadducees, another group of teachers of the Law to confront Jesus by challenging Him to show them a sign (a miracle) Jesus refused, knowing that they were only using this to mock Him. Jesus was secure, and He knows that the signs that He performs are not for men, but for the Father.

It was here that Jesus told the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. But the disciples were too afraid and thought He was angry with them for not bringing bread with them. It turned out that Jesus was telling them to guard their hearts against the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

So what is the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees that we must beware of?

In my Bible short commentary, it's written, "The Pharisees are legalists who reduced religion to form and ceremony. The Sadducees were rationalists and materialists, denying the supernatural elements in religion."

The Lord showed me that on the 2 occasions, He was confronted by the very things that comes against living a life of faith. On the 1st occasion, the Pharisees tried to clamp Him down using the law, or religion. On the 2nd occasion, the Sadducees tried to deny His miracles by challenging Him to give a sign, purporting to disclaim Him as a fraud and that there are no such things as miracles in this life!

The Lord then showed me how Jesus rebuked His disciples when He told them about being wary of the doctrines of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. "O you of little faith..." and began to recap about how He performed the miracles of feeding the 5,000 and 4,000 and having baskets of leftovers.

And He began to tell me that the 2 things that will come into your life, when you start to harden your heart, is that you will start to live your Christian life based on a set of dos and don'ts (like the Pharisees) You begin to lose sight of the heavenly vision, and start to live a natural life, that is devoid of the joy of knowing the Lord and how He provides for you (like the Sadducees) where you start to worry and revolve your life around the circumstances around you.

But that is never the way that the Lord wants us to live our lives, bound to a set of laws of do's and don'ts and to the circumstances that surrounds us. He calls us to live by faith, and He proved it to us with the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000. And He tells us that we can do it, as long as we believe in Him and hear His voice and obey Him.

1) Peter walking on water - He asks the Lord and Jesus calls him to Him.

2) The Phoenician Woman

It is not surprising then that right after He spoke about the leaven, that He asked His disciples who do they think He is. Peter replied that He is the Christ, the Son of the living God. And He said this to Peter, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven." and Jesus, at that moment, gave Peter a heavenly vision meant by God for him to be fulfilled.

Who revealed to Peter the faith that he too can walk on water? Who revealed to the Phoenician woman that Jesus can heal her daughter?

Is it not God the Father?

Then let me summarise it for you:

Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the multitudes and then performing that miracle on the individuals (Peter and the Woman) to show us that we too can walk as He walks, to live as He lives, by faith. But where does this faith come from? It comes from hearing the voice of the Father and in their relationship with Him, because then, will He reveal to us the vision to walk by faith in Him.

He tells us not to be sucked into living our Christian lives based on a set of rules, but upon hearing His word and having a living relationship with Him. He tells us to live a life expecting miracles in our lives and not to conform to the natural tendencies of this world, which is to be concerned with our livelihood.

He tells us to live for only one thing, and that is to live out the vision that He has called us individually to fulfill.

And for Himself, it was to die on the cross to redeem our souls. That is why, right after He spoke about the revelation that was given to Peter, He rebuked him, for trying to stop Him from dying on the cross. See how the devil tries to blind the heavenly vision that was given to Jesus by God the Father, that is to die on the cross to redeem our souls? Peter didn't get it then because He had not received the vision.

After which Jesus told the disciples this.

"If anyone comes after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me, for whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give iin exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to His works."

what Jesus is basically saying is this, "come and live My life. how I fulfilled the vision that God the Father has given to Me. You also must fulfill the vision that God the Father will show you." Realise that Jesus didn't say, "take up MY cross"? He said, "take up YOUR cross" which means that the price to pay is yours and yours alone, to fulfill the vision that God has given you.

Then Jesus assures us and gives us the heavenly vision for those who follow Him, saying that angels are real, He is real and He will come back and reward us. And He calls us to hang on to this vision till the very end of our lives.

Sons and Daughters, taking up the cross is not forcing yourself to cconform to a set of rules to be a good Christian. It means, receiving the vision that God has for your life and then living it out despite the difficulties faced. That's true passion, and that's true abundant living.

So I urge you that you can respond, by this day, giving your life to Jesus, by surrendering your heart to Him to be humble to hear Him say, "Lord, show me Your vision for my life, and lead me and guide me on how to fulfill it. Teach me and mold me this day, to be able to withstand all that is coming against me and stopping me from fulfilling Your vision for my life."

Then, all you can do... is listen, and you walk... listen, and you walk... listen, and you walk... and it'd be the most beautiful journey of your life, cos it'd never be boring anymore, life would never be predictable anymore, and you begin to know this God more and more each day.

