Kred's World

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Korean Drama Mama!

I managed a great feat recently...

It's something that took me 6 months to complete, but after sheer perseverance and the encouragement of my friends, I have finally managed to finish a Korean Drama Serial.

It'a called Bride 18.

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I think I borrowed it from AH Lian, who borrowed it from Joyce like... last year... wait... I can't remember... May? June? Duh... that means I took more than 6 months to complete it...

In between of course, I had other munchings.. including 26 episodes of Ghost in the Shell 2, Eureka 7, Southern Cross... all anime titles of course... it's the bright colours and intriguing storylines that really get me hooked...

But really, I finally finished all 24 episodes of Bride 18!!

It's not exactly boring and tedious to watch... I'd like to say I've been busy.. but then... not really... as I said before... it's simply because I was... distracted...

the story is about an 18 year old girl who got bethrothed to a guy who's 10 years her senior cos their grandparents made a pact to marry their grandchildren, cue to some long term friendship thingy (ala Gong or Princess Hours.. makes you wonder if all Korean grandchildren are engaged to each other one way or the 0ther)

ANyway, the storyline progressed to show how the 2 finally fall in love with each other and have a family. It's the whole process that makes it such a joy to watch. The whole sexual tension and the jokes that fall out of it keeps you glued to it...

I still.. really can't understand why I took such a long time to finish it. But I think it's because I wanted to take it slow with this one, so I can savour it and really enjoy it, instead of just rushing through it at one seating (I know many aunties, pardon me, girls, who would stay up the whole night to finish all 24 episodes of a Korean Drama) To me, it's sheer torture and after you're done with it, you don really remember what you liked about the show. I call it media gorging... and you become bulimic cos you just vomit everything out and retain nothing.

Well, I'm glad I did.

Now I'm starting on Princess Hours... yeah yeah yeah... I know I'm behind everyone... but hey, I don't ahve to be on time to enjoya good show :)


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